Rosalita's Cantina 1st Anniversary Recap - The Combination of Fun and Festive Into One!


Rosalita’s Cantina Bali 1st Anniversary, photo by StarWORKS Global


Rosalita's Cantina celebrated its 1st Anniversary with pure joy and festivities, combining a perfect blend of fun activities and delicious treats. The festivities started at 6:00 PM, as Rosalita's staff extended a warm welcome with complimentary welcome drinks, mini pizzas, and mini taco rolls. 


VR Venue Attraction by StarWORKS Global


VR Venue Attraction, photo by StarWORKS Global


StarWORKS Global, in collaboration with Rosalita’s Cantina, brought a VR Venue for all the participants to enjoy. Participants gathered to experience the fun of virtual reality gaming, and the fun was through the roof as players competed to achieve the highest scores and finish their games.


Live Taco Making Show


Live Taco Making Show, photo by StarWORKS Global


As the clock struck 6:30 PM, the audience poured in, and the front of the bar transformed into a live taco cook-off spectacle. Our skilled chefs crafted mouthwatering tacos from scratch, showcasing the art of cutting veggies, meats, and assembling the ingredients with precision!


By the time the taco was ready, the venue buzzed with energy as guests filled every nook and cranny. The air was filled with laughter, chatter, and the delightful aroma of freshly prepared tacos, creating a lively and vibrant atmosphere.


Spin the Wheel!


Spin the Wheel, photo by StarWORKS Global


Rosalita’s Cantina has prepared the ‘Spin the Wheel’ event to make it more fun. Attendees had the chance to win fantastic prizes, including the daring Carolina Reaper Wings and even StarPOINTS, adding a thrilling spin to the anniversary celebration!


As the clock approached 9:00 PM, the anniversary bash ended. Guests left with smiles, memories, and a taste of the unique blend of fun and fiesta that defines Rosalita's Cantina.


Rosalita's Cantina 1st Anniversary was truly a night to remember, where the combination of fun and festive seamlessly came together in a celebration that will linger in our hearts. Here's to many more years of joy and jubilation at Rosalita's Cantina!